I am having a moment in motherhood that I am not too proud of and I had a few thoughts pop into my mind that all started with "If Only..."...bare with me. I'm having a week.
If Only...we didn't have to sell our house.
If Only...Grady's voice was about 3 notches softer.
If Only...my baby would sleep through the night. Can you imagine?
If Only...my husband would do the dishes today, I just can't bring myself to do it.
If Only...the kids could do their own laundry.
If Only...I had a printer.
If Only...I was able to lose weight. (Don't get me wrong, I have embraced my huge-ness but I would like to think of myself as healthier.)
If Only...Church was 1 hour instead of 3...oops, did I type that?
If Only...Taylor could quit negotiating with me.
If Only...I would have gotten that job I applied for.
If Only...I was more patient.
If Only...Rhett could exude his sensitive and spiritual personality to all around him.
If Only...Jenner could be little forever.
If Only...If Only...If Only...I could just sit back for a moment and realized how lucky I am for the things Heavenly Father has given me. Just me. Sometimes it is so hard for me to just "get" that and to remember my blessings. Maybe by writing them down and seeing them everyday I will remember more often. If Only...one day I will be okay with everything!