Thursday, July 24, 2008

Kung Fu Panda and a BAT...

So we went to Kung Fu Panda today in Layton at the AMC movie theatre and this is what was there visiting for the Dark Knight premiere...A Real Live Bat...Yes, that little black spot above Grady is a BAT!!!'s alive, much to our disbelief. We thought it was dead. His brother was "hanging out" on the ceiling of the overhang thingy at the theatre. Way cool to see up close and probably something we will never see again. Some really brave guy nudged them and they flew off....Oh....and by the way....Kung Fu Panda was sooooooo good! We laughed our little butts off!


shelby said...

My kids loved that movie. I had to finally tell them they weren't kung fu panda after they kicked and karate all night long!!! And I would have freaked out with that bat! You are a better woman!

Brenda said...

What a fun experience. One I'm sure the kids aren't likely to forget soon.