My day is finally almost over and the posting has just begun. We had an interesting day and an interesting last night. I am a little calmer now and so I will tell the tale of "The Night Before the First Day of School"....
It all started about 4 months ago when Chris decided to take a long anticipated backpacking trip with his dad, uncles and brother. They used to do this trip when they were younger and Chris hasn't been back for 23 years...yeah, he's old! Anyway, the trip takes place in the Uintah's where they hike in about 20 miles and set up a main camp and then hike each different day to a lake and fish all day...Kind of like pretending to be homeless for a week. I have taken before pictures of Chris because I heard that the guys usually lose about 15 lbs. Chris started with a full beard but we will see how much more it grows. Back to my story...the kids hate it when Chris goes on any kind of trip, even over-nighters. We went to church and then came home and it was time to take Chris to his parent's for the drop off. We were all okay until we said a prayer in the car, then I lost it. When the kids saw me, they started to get emotional, especially Grady. We packed up the truck and said good-bye and I was being so strong...until...Taylor started sobbing uncontrollably. Then Grady acted up so I thought I might as well let it all out. When we got home it was time for bath and bed because we started school the next day. Here comes the crying again. Grady has said all along that he didn't want to go to first grade and on top of missing his dad he couldn't stop crying. I went in and said a prayer with him and then Rhett started. I settled them down and went to tuck in Taylor and she started the meantime, Grady started sobbing again. Then the baby was mad at me for not holding her and she started crying....This all lasted for about an hour and then they all went to sleep. This morning went really well and we got up a dressed for school in record time. They seemed to have a really good day and they were excited to tell me all about it when they got home. I don't need to explain how I felt when they got home...I was delighted as can be!!! Anyways, sorry for the long post but I was feeling it tonight and needed to tell my tale.
Grady in Mrs. Pectol's class
Rhett in Mrs. Bill's class
Taylor in Mrs. Neyt's class
We start school on Monday. I am very excited. At times I feel like you and everyday I look forward to them coming home. I guess my 3 year old mixes things up at home enough that I don't have time to get too sad. He has been my hardest and I look forward to him going to school.
Are your kids in year round school? We don't start until Aug. 20, which is early for us. I am tired of my kids fighting, but I think I will really miss it when Hayden is gone again, plus Rylan will be bored to tears!
Yeah, we're year round. I do love the year roung though, it's just having all three of them gone all day is really hard.
I'm glad they all had a good first day, they all looked so cute. Poor little Grady, first grade can be such a hard transition!
So how was Chris's trip? That sounds like a fun time!
I'm glad that your kids did good at school. The first day is always crazy. That's so fun that Grady is in Wyatt's class. They'll have fun.
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