Saturday, November 29, 2008

You know it's Thanksgiving when...

Heidi starts making a list of to-do's on Wednesday night, and starts making assignments. (Lucky for me we went to my mom's...)

Taylor's Birthday is either coming or happening...

You get excited about next-day turkey sandwiches...

The grocery stores are PACKED with worried women and lists galore...

You can buy fresh cranberries...

It's time for Pumpkin Pie...(let's face it, any other time of the year it just seems inappropriate...)

The food drives for Christmas start...

You can get really good Pomegranites...

When every church lawn has a flag football game going any given time...

You start going over what you are thankful for with your kids...

Oh, and let's not forget Black Friday...or as we like to call it..."You're crazy to even think about going out on that day Friday..."

All in all, I AM thankful for many things...My family, My health, My family's health, My home, My husband's job...and let's not forget...TiVo!


Michelle D said...

Seriously. People are CrAZy to shop on Black Friday. We were in St. George and didn't even get out until afternoon time...and it was STILL crazy!

I don't think the $5.00 I'd save on this present is worth hours of my sleep or sanity of standing in line!!

Kendra said...

honestly! they call it black friday for a reason right! loved this post! hope you guys had a happy thanksgiving!