Friday, January 27, 2012

Salsa...Restaurant Style

If you are like me than you love love love restaurant style chips and salsa.  Problem is, you can only get them at the restaurant...until now!  I found this recipe on Pinterest and it is soooo good!  I have made it a couple of times and I love it so much!  I changed it up a bit so it's just how I like it and you can add more of or less of any of the ingredients that you like.  The first time I made it I used the whole can of the jalapenos and it was almost un-edible...hahaha...lesson learned!

Restaurant Style Salsa:

1 large can diced tomatoes
1 tsp. minced onion
1 tsp. garlic salt
1 tsp. cumin
1 tsp. sugar
salt & pepper
jalapenos (I buy the can of the halved ones and use one and one-half of basically its like 3/4 of a jalapeno...not the whole can but they are super cheap and so I don't feel too bad)

Put all ingredients in your bullet machine or just a regular blender and blend until super smooth.  Refrigerate until the next day and Voila...super yummy salsa.  You can also add some cilantro or some lime juice if you like.  I am also super snobbish about my chips and I have found that here in Utah, you can buy Juanitas chips at most grocery stores and they are as close as it gets to warm, crispy, fresh chips from a restaurant.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fact:  I am an emotional person, I wear my heart on my sleeve.  If I am pissed, happy, sick or sad, you will most definitely know it.  Problem is - I used to think this was a bad thing.  I used to think I needed to portray a happy face all of the time and I just couldn't do it.  I used to think something was wrong with me.  Truth is - I am okay with my emotional self.  I am okay that you know exactly how I feel just by looking at me.  It's not something that I can change or turn off and I am okay with that.

Fact:  Taylor missed me while I was out of town for 3 nights.  She missed me cuz she needed her laundry done.  I am glad she missed me.

Fact:  I got my haircut and I LOVE IT!  I was waffling with the idea of growing it out again and Miss Julia convinced me to just keep cutting it.  I have decided to do the round brush thing again even though it takes more time and energy, my hair looks better if I do.  Thanks Julia!

Fact:  I love my sister and my sister-in-laws.  We have a good time together.  They get me.  They don't judge me.  They teach me.  They like me just the way I am...even with the bajillion flaws I have.

Fact:  I think cooking is a lost art.  I think it's sad that people don't learn how to cook anymore.  I try to cook every night for my fam, but it doesn't always happen.  It's okay though, cuz I still mostly cook for them.

Fact:  Speaking of cooking...I love recipes and love to try new things.  If you have any good ones, send them my way!

Fact:  I am on a new med these days and sugar does nothing for me cool is that!!!  I am just hoping that this little side effect will stick and I will be able to nix it for good.  Except for Christensen's JuJu Hearts...those totally get me every time!  Good thing Valentine's is only once a year!

Fact:  Jenner is still in her pj's and it past noon...and I don't even care!

Fact:  I love my kids.  They are so great and so good.  They are so kind to each other and so happy to play with each other (most of the time) and I feel so lucky that they are like they are.  Really, it's true.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Cheesy Chicken and Vegi Soup...

This soup is so Delish...
and I am putting a personal guarantee on the fact that you will never have to look for a good, creamy, cheesy soup recipe again...

Cheesy Chicken and Vegi Soup:

1 lb Chicken (tenders or breasts)
1/2 cup onion, diced small (I just use minced onion)

3-4 carrots, sliced
3-4 stalks celery, sliced
3-4 potatoes, diced
water (I don't have an exact amount so I just eye-ball it and add more if I need it)

Put chicken and onion in soup pot and bring to a boil.  Turn down heat to medium and cook until chicken is done.  Remove chicken and bring water back up to a boil.  Add vegi's and a cup of cold water.  Shred or dice chicken and add to pot when the vegi's are cooked.  Bring down heat. 

In a separate sauce pan, melt 1 cube butter, add 1 cup milk, 2 Tbsp. flour and 3 boullion cubes.  Whisk until mixed good.  Add 16 oz. of Velveeta cheese that has been cubed and continue to cook on med. heat until the cheese is melted.  Add this to the chicken and vegi's.  Now add some broccoli that has been cut into smaller pieces.  Cook on low heat until broccoli is tender, being really careful not to scorch the soup cuz it's gross if you do...I would know.  Serve.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

She's 2

Seriously people...
she's only 2 and she knows how to play this...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Fact stealer...

So my sis-in-law does this awesome 'Fact' thing on her blog...
and I am shamelessly copying her because it is so great...
so here goes...

Fact:  I joined the gym the end of November and I am just now feeling like I am getting into a routine.  Mind you, I am way outta shape (obviously) but it feels really good to feel my strength and endurance building.  I am hoping to feel way better by summer.

Fact:  My boys are off track for 3 whole weeks and I am so excited that they are home with me and the girls for awhile...excited because they can babysit while I go to the gym :}

Fact:  My husband works sooooo hard and sooooo many hours that I don't even know how he does it.  Then on top of that, he has been doing a few side jobs that take even more hard work and long hours...he is nothing short of amazing!

Fact:  I love Harry Potter.  I am thinking of re-reading the whole series again but I am afraid of getting too bored in the first few...I have this weird aversion to reading books more than once but I am willing to try.  We are watching all of the movies right now and I miss the details from the books...I hate how they just assume that you know all of the dark little secrets/details in the movie...bugs me.

Fact:  I love to brush my teeth.

Fact:  I have been trying to eat healthier lately and it's going good.  But forget about the french fries I just ate.  I was having a craving and had to suppress it!

Fact:  My Addy is growing up waaaay too fast.  And she stills has a binky and sue me!  I don't care what you think and who are you to judge anyways...hahaha  (that's for all the haters who stare at the grocery store when they see my bigger than average 2.5 year old with a binky)

Fact:  Speaking of Addy...she has to get her tonsils out on the 30th and I am way dreading it...she is our 'Beast' of a child and to say that she will be high maintenance is an understatement...Oh help me now!

Fact:  Taylor got good grades on her report card and that makes me one happy Momma!

Fact:  My basement is at a major standstill right now and it's not looking like we will be getting carpet in the spring...bummer...but Chris is still trying to get Taylor's room and the bathroom ready by then so she can move down there and free up her room upstairs...(we will just carpet her room and be sorta white-trashy) hahaha

Fact:  I love pinterest with every ounce of my's so fun and so informative!

Fact:  Time for a shower!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Matchy Matchy...

Who doesn't love their little ones in matching clothes...
I sort of have a problem with it...
you see, I LOVE for them to match and it kinda drives me nuts if they don't, at least in some small way...
And the above outfits are courtesy of one hand me down and one second hand store find..
how cool is that...
I bet I am not the only one who loves the matchy matchy stuff...

and, who doesn't love those "take my picture mom," when they are like two inches away from the lens...

Saturday, January 7, 2012

What a way to wake up!

We were woken up by our kiddos today to a beautiful winter wonderland...
this was Addy's first time playing in the snow and she loved it...
she was strutting around like she was all boss...
it was super cute

A beautiful, crazy, teensie little snowman!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Finally some pics of my own kids...

I am having a hard time editing the picture of Addy below because this is what she was doing right before we took the pictures...and so therefore, she was onery and crying and cold making her face go red and blotchy...look how perfect her little face looks in the sleeping picture...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Ringing in the New Year...

We went to the big ol' town of RF this year to celebrate the New Year...
and with 32 people around, things can get pretty rowdy and loud...
but nonetheless, it was a good time...
here are our pictures from New Year's Eve...

Right before midnight...


Mags is one of my favorites right now...Love her to pieces

This is Jenner's best buddy

Obligatory Christmas Post...

This year we spent Christmas Eve at our house with just my little family...
and it was PURE BLISS...
the night was so calm and so relaxing that I am wondering why we have never done it with just our seven before...
we were trying to figure out our own traditions and what we wanted to do for the night...
and we had a huge dinner with 3 bottles of Martinellis that we didn't have to ration...
PURE BLISS I tell ya...

Then on Christmas morning we had a sheet inbetween the rooms and the living room so the kids couldn't see what the big guy brought them...
and I even planned so well that on Saturday I bought some donuts for us to have for breakfast before church...
you see, we weren't planning on doing any of our Christmas stuff until after church (it was at 9:00 am)...
so we ate our donuts and got ready in our Sunday best...
and when it was time to leave, Chris led the kids out to the garage one by one with blankets over their heads so they couldn't see anything still...
and then when church was over, we led them back to the bedrooms with blankets on their heads so they could change and get ready to open their presents!
Christmas on Sunday is always so special...
I love that you get to wish your friends and neighbors a Merry Christmas on the actual day and that you get to feel of the spirit and remember the true meaning of Christmas...
it was such a great day!
I can't wait for next year!

 The sheet that kept everyone out until it was time

First look at the loot...
love their faces...

a motorcycle...
are you kidding me...

Taylor got her shotgun and was so happy....

Addy was priceless...
every present she opened she would exclaim..."I love it I love it I love it"
she even opened one that was wrapped in a box for lights and was so excited that she got lights...
it was such a fun year with her...

the traditional stocking loot...
this is how I grew up getting my stocking stuff and I love it more every year...

All tuckered out from a big day of celebrating...
I love how she is wearing her coat and boots...