Sunday, April 12, 2009


I have a Dr.'s appointment on Tuesday and he has an ultrasound maching in his office...I will be almost 17 weeks...should I BEG him to see if he can tell if the baby is pink or blue...OR, Do I wait until May 1 when my Mom and Dad will be present for the BIG ultrasound? I am in a Dilema! Part of me wants to find out and keep it a secret...but if you know me, you know I can't keep ANY of my secrets...(I can keep yours, just not my own...I am not a total BLAB...right Michelle?)...So, What do I do? Be SURPRISED with my Rents or just DO IT ALREADY!!!! Help!!!


Erika said...

Neither...I say wait until the baby is born! I don't know if I could handle not knowing for the whole pregnancy but I think it would be so cool to not know until D-Day.

If you don't like that answer... :) then I'd say wait until your parents are there. That would be pretty neat to all find out together.

Ryan and Amber said...

WAIT! You have to wait for your parents...they'll be so happy! THEN the shopping can begin! :)

Brooke said...

I say FIND OUT, FIND OUT!!! And let us all know ASAP!

M.S. said...

At 17 weeks, it isn't always perfect.... so I'd wait until May 1.

Jess said...

I would wait too. then you can be sure that you can really see, your parents will be there (and may be in the mood for shopping! What grandparents don't want to buy baby's first little outfit?) I think they would notice if you already knew. Be surprised with them. Are you going to bring your older kids to the ultrasound? My brother did and they are finally getting a boy!

Michelle D said...

Tough question - but I think I'd have to go with...beg him to find out NOW! Of course, the baby might be quite modest and unwilling to share that little secret with you, but we won't count on it. :-)

And you are an amazing secret keeper. Thanks for keeping mine so well!

emeryfam said...