Monday, August 13, 2012


We've been dong a lot of lounging this summer...
hangin out on my driveway watching the kiddos...
my kind of perfect!

just a little family shot...
you can barely see Grady under Addy's head...

We had girls camp last week and I was the camp cook...
this was the back of my car on the way up...
you should have seen the rest of it...
it was literally stacked to the very top of the car...
good thing I drive a burb...

My two little have August Birthdays so we celebrated with some fam last night...
they got their coveted 'make-up' kits and they were both in heaven...
me, not so much!

Prolly one of the best pictures I have ever taken of this cutie...
usually her face is all scrunched up and cheesy...

Not to toot my own horn or anything...
well, okay...I'll toot it...
the theme at camp this year was Happily Ever After and we were the princess Mulan...
so all things Mulan-ish were all about our campsite...
we even had a karate chopping station and all of us who dared to chop totally did it!
it was so exhilarating to chop that wood in half with my bare hand...
so cool!
I went all beast on it and I rocked it for sure...
Toot Toot!

1 comment:

Ryan and Amber said...

See this is where you and I are different. I would melt in a puddle of intimidation and defeat if they asked me to be camp cook. You? You rocked it I'm sure. Teach me Rachel ray.... And Amy b!