Friday, July 27, 2012


I love pinterest...
it's so fun and such a great idea for whomever invented it...
I found this tutorial and wanted to try it so bad...
and it turned out really cute...
I love it!
First you take any clothing item you want to dye and put something under it to protect the other side...
here I used a lid from a bin...
then I wrote on it with Elmer's blue gel glue, apparently it has to be the blue gel or it won't work...
and then I let it dry...

after the glue was totally dry I dyed the shirt with Rit dye...
it didn't take long to soak up the color but in hind-sight, I would have let it soak longer...
after the dyeing process, let the shirt completely dry...

When it's dry, soak it in some soapy water for about 15 minutes to get the excess glue off and wash as usual...
see how faded the color is, this is the reason why I would have liked to have soaked it longer...
but, I really like how it turned out and it was super easy...

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