Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I complain too much. 
I am negative. 
I have bad feelings towards some people. 
I dislike some people.
I say mean things.
I want to change...
I need to change...
I have been feeling this way for awhile now and I am really tired of being negative and cross towards certain people...
I think we all feel this way sometimes but for me, I really want to be rid of it!
I am sick and tired of the way I feel...
I need some positive energy flowing through me...
I am determined to be better about all of these things...
I am determined to be more positive...
I am determined to look for the good in all things and in all people...
I am done with the old me and I look forward to my new self!
I am done!

BTW, if you are reading this blog...I am NOT talking about YOU!  Hugs!


Mike and Alleen said...

Positive thinking is soooo hard! I tell myself I'm just venting, but in reality I'm looking for the bad in every situation! I can relate, but change is hard. I try to write in my journal each day just one good thing I noticed that day or that I'm thankful for. It's usually only a line or two, but it helps me to remember the good things in life. Gee I really hope you're not talking about me :)

M.S. said...

You can do it! Sometimes the negative in your life could be because of the people you surround yourself with. It may sound harsh but true. I noticed that about some of the people I thought were my friends. It was hard to stop hanging out with them, but I have seen the better light.

ALSO, it is important that every time you say or think something Negative, you must remember to find 5 positive things.

I can say that if you get out of bed and TRULY say a morning prayer.... positive things happen. :)