Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What a Week!

Brace yourself for a zillion pictures and my mediocre commentary to go with each one...

We had quite a week!

All of the pictures are in the opposite order too...fun times!

This is Rhett on Saturday the 11th...we were having our Easter hunt at my mom's...

Jenner was a pro...
She stopped gathering candy when she found some chapstick...it was like gold to her...

The little ones got a 30 second head start...
from left:  Sophie, Branson, Mason and Jenner...

Sweet little Addy loving on her daddy...

The girls had a sleepover at Grandma's...
from left:  Ellie, Taylor and Katelyn

My Hotty Hubby turns 40...can you believe it?
Oh, and this picture is after he blew out the candles...see all of the smoke?

This is before the candles were out...

At the beginning of the week, we headed up to my parents cabin...
You have to take a snow-cat to even get there...it's awesome...
and so am I!...hahaha

Jealous yet?

Jenner and Grady in the snow-cat...

Can you believe that this little 2 year old loves tubing?

Riding behind the snow-mouse...get it?


The 2 boys having at it...

So cool!

My wonderful Dad...
His pride and joy is this big ol' machine...
and he loves taking everyone for rides...


The warm up...

Through the cabin windows...

Crazy Grady...

Nothing like a little snow for a snack...

The snow was clear up past the windows on the deck...

I see you...

Apparently I have so many pictures to share and it is taking me so long to load them that this post will have to be continued...


Kristina P. said...

I am so glad you were able to get out for some much needed fun.

emeryfam said...

HOLY CRAP, Chris is an OLD man!!!! That cabin looks awesome.

Ryan and Amber said...

Ah looks sooo fun! Isn't the life of Richie and the cabin so refreshing? Let's move back home!

Rob and Jill said...

What a fun week! I want a snow-cat. I love all the smoke from Chris' cake. Rob turned 40 a few weeks ago too. Old men! Hope you're doing well. I miss you.

Football Mom said...

You don't know me, but I was one of those people who followed the Stakers blog during their crisis. I just got on today to see how their little Bronson is doing when I saw her post about your niece. My heart broke for your family when I saw that your little niece had passed away. I too have lost a niece. Her name was Grace. She passed away on her mother's birthday a few years ago. She died of SIDS. I know exactly how you are feeling! I would cry at the drop of a hat for almost a year. Her birthday is April 20th and we send balloons to her every year. Just know, that time is truly a healer, and that her parents will smile again and you will too. You will also have gained a greater empathy for people who have lost a child and you will be able to be a great support for them. My prayers will be with you and your family.

Haley Barton said...

Okay here it is:
