Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Grady is Goofy...

So Grady is so weird...
I have this new thing with the kids about getting hurt...
I am sick of hearing them bawl over stupid stuff...
so I told them that for every bruise or cut they get and they don't cry over...
I will give them a quarter...
a quarter for a goose egg sounds like a good deal to me...
and apparently to Grady...

He is such a goof!
He took one of those suctioning thingies and put it on his face for a self-made bruise all for a quarter...
and then he laughed his guts out when I told them what 'those' are called...
hickey is really quite a funny word to say...

try it...
told ya it was funny!


Anonymous said...

Where are the pictures? We need pictures of Grady's hickey!

Kendra said...

that's awesome! Grady is such a funny kid we really miss having him in our primary class.

Ryan and Amber said...

Oh my gosh that is hilarious! Booger Suckers serve so many purposes - I just didn't know you could get rich off of one...