Monday, March 23, 2009

The latest news...

On Saturday I took Jenner into insta-care because she had been fevering for a whole day...non-stop and I was worried...she tested positive for RSV...Great...that night at midnight she was laboring pretty badly on her breathing...Chris got dressed to go to the ER because I had just taken a sleeping pill (stupid me) and we decided to call our Dr's cell phone that he so generously gave us the number too...we worked out a plan to put her on the oxygen too (we had an extra tank) and she seemed to do okay...Sunday morning we called Praxair for more oxygen, a suction maching and a new pulse oximeter...she got worse and Grady was still the same...UGHHHHH...Now it's Monday afternoon and BOTH kids are off of their oxygen and have saturations of around 94-95 (needs to be above 90) so we are feeling so much better about things...Yay for us!!!! We had a CRAZY week but we made it through...thanks to all of you for the prayers and thoughts on our behalf...we are so blessed!

A special thanks to Alyssa, our AWESOME nurse at Davis for giving us so much support...if you ever need to go there, go on Wed, Thurs or'll get to meet Alyssa and feel of her AWESOMENESS too!!!


Jess said...

yikes! scaryness, but I'm glad they are doing better. Poor little sickies!

Erika said...

How sad. I'm so sorry they've been so sick...that's scary.

Lisa said...

Alyssa was the name of OUR favorite nurse at Davis when Ava was there for 5 days with pneumonia! She was awesome! She did so much more than any other nurse we had and was the only one to actually break open the toy room for Ava after we'd been there for maybe 4 days!
I'm sooooo glad your kids are doing better. There's nothing more stressful and wearing than when they're that sick.

Lara said...

I am so glad you are all doing better! There is nothing scarier than breathing problems.

Nate, Cami and Crew said...

I am glad to hear that your babes are doing better. I worried about Jenner. Hope that they stay healthy for a long time.

Brooke said...

Two sick babies!!! That is awful, I hope they both get better soon.